ALLI Paranormal
Appointment Calendar

These are our upcoming investigations and available dates. Click an open date if you wish to request an investigation from us. We typically investigate on Saturday nights, but can discuss other days, as well. We are free of charge!

Unfortunately, in Michigan, we get some crazy weather. The winter months can be unpredictable, but it's usually very cold and very snowy. We would love to be able to investigate all year long. However, our investigations usually require us to sit outside with our equipment and team members. With the cold and snow, that is unsafe for both us and our equipment. We are willing to investigate, especially for emergencies, with some conditions..

Residence - The only way we can conduct a normal investigation for a residence is if the home has either an attached garage that we can set up in, or the house is big enough we can properly set up somewhere inside.

Business - For a business, again, as long as we have somewhere out of the elements to set up, we can investigate. An office, breakroom.. somewhere far enough from the active areas that we won't interfere with the investigation.

For emergencies, please just contact us and we'll figure something out.

Thanks for understanding!


Solar X-rays
Geomagnetic Field
Case # 104 - Private Residence

This house was built in the 1950's. It sits on the Atherton Settlement, which is the where some of the first settlers in the area chose as their home. The current homeowner's are only the second family to live in this house. Both of the original homeowner's have passed on.

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Basic Investigation Information

Location: Burton, Michigan - Date: 12/09/2017
Start Time: 8:00 PM - End Time: 4:00 AM

Solar, Lunar, Weather

Moon Phase: 60% of full - Last Quarter
Solar/Geomagnetic Activity: Normal, Quiet
Weather: Cloudy, Cold - Temperature: Around 27°

Investigators at Location

4 investigators present..
Felicia R., Tom N., Martin G., Monica G.

Client Claims

Owners have seen a girl in their yard, shadow figures, they hear a lot of voices of male, female and child, thumping and knocking noises on the walls, footsteps and running upstairs, other unexplained noises, they've been touched, they've seen several ghost cats, and feel a male presence in the basement..

About The Home

A 50's style two-story home with basement. Main floor includes: living room, kitchen, dining room, 2 bedrooms, an extra room and a bathroom, along with a room off the back which includes the laundry area. Upstairs is split into 2 rooms. Basement area is sectioned off with storage areas and a bathroom.

Equipment Placement

We had 4 cameras recording.. IR cam 1: in the basement, spanning one of the open areas and facing the door where a male presence is felt; IR cam 2: in one of the rooms upstairs, spanning the room and facing the stairs; IR cam 3: in the master bedroom, spanning part of the room and facing the bed, a table and the door; IR cam 4: in the kitchen, facing down the hallway and at the door to the stairs, where frequent shadow figures have been seen.

We had 6 voice recorders running.. one in the living room, one in the master bedroom, one upstairs, one in the basement, one outside at base, and the 6th was carried around by teams as they investigated. We also had KII and EMF detectors, thermal detectors, thermometers, a laser grid, and digital cameras.. along with our other usual equipment.

Setting Up

We got to the location at 8:00 pm. We set up "central base" in the detached garage behind the house. Once we had the cameras set up and running.. we took photos, temp. and EMF readings. Then we went lights out and started the night..

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