Unfortunately, in Michigan, we get some crazy weather. The winter months can be unpredictable, but it's usually very cold and very snowy. We would love to be able to investigate all year long. However, our investigations usually require us to sit outside with our equipment and team members. With the cold and snow, that is unsafe for both us and our equipment. We are willing to investigate, especially for emergencies, with some conditions..
Residence - The only way we can conduct a normal investigation for a residence is if the home has either an attached garage that we can set up in, or the house is big enough we can properly set up somewhere inside.
Business - For a business, again, as long as we have somewhere out of the elements to set up, we can investigate. An office, breakroom.. somewhere far enough from the active areas that we won't interfere with the investigation.
For emergencies, please just contact us and we'll figure something out.
Thanks for understanding!
Location: Vernon, MI - Date: 10/09/2010
Start Time: 10:00 PM - End Time: 2:00 AM
Moon Phase: 13% of full - Waxing Crescent
Solar/Geomagnetic Activity: Normal, Quiet
Weather: Cool, Clear - Temperature: Around 55°
5 investigators present.. Ward Delbridge, Dan Moiles, Felicia Rodriguez, Rhonda Harris, Amy Tottingham
1 guest present.. fill-in, Justin
Lights turn on and off, a desktop turns on, as well. At night you can hear footsteps and all kinds of noises. 4-year old sees a "boy", that keeps her up at night, orbs in pictures tend to follow the daughter..
This residence is a very nice rental house. 3 bedrooms, a livingroom, kitchen, bath, laundry and a Mich. basement.
We had 5 cameras recording.. IR cam 1: in the livingroom covering the living area, IR cam 2: in the kitchen covering the kitchen area and into the livingroom, IR cam 3: in the doorway to the laundry room facing down the hallway and into the kitchen, IR cam 4: in the daughters bedroom where she has trouble sleeping. The other Camera: we had sitting on the stairs to the basement, where the owner gets strange feelings.
We had 5 voice recorders, one by each IR Camera, and the 5th was carried around by teams as they investigated. We also had 2 EMF meters, a digital thermometer, a baby monitor carry around (so teams outside know what's going on), and digital cameras.. along with our other usual equipment.
We got to the home around 10 pm. Those that didn't see the home yet, got a tour before setting up. We set up "central base" in the detached garage next to the house. Once we had the cameras set up and running.. we took photos, temp. and EMF readings, and unplugged any appliances that gave off high EMF frequencies.. Then we went lights out. We took about 30 minutes of silent treatment before the first team of 3 went inside for their session..
Dan Moiles, Ward Delbridge, and fill-in Justin
Investigated: Daughter's Bedroom, Livingroom
Approx. Time Inside: 1 hour / Personal Experiences: No
Dan shared his teams experiences...
"We were the first team to go into the house after quiet time. We began our investigation in the child's bedroom which seems to have the most activity in the house. We were there for about half of our investigation time with no obvious responses to our investigation.
We then moved on to the living room for the last half of our time in the house. We tried calling out to anyone who might be there with us and the only respose seemed to be a couple of loud "thuds" that seemed to be coming from the basement. These could have been caused by a water heater or other appliances, and therefor could not be considered to be paranormal during the time of the investigation itself."
Felicia Rodriguez, Rhonda Harris, Amy Tottingham
Investigated: Livingroom, Daughter's Bedroom, Dining Area
Approx. Time Inside: 1 hour / Personal Experiences: Questionable
Felicia shared her teams experiences...
"We started out in the living room, sitting and listening.. asking questions and snapping photos here and there. After several minutes, Rhonda mentioned a name of one of the possible spirits and around the same time, Amy thought she felt something touch her. She said: 'I had thought I had felt a touch on my hand and then a minute later a slight tug on my pants near my pocket... not sure as to what it was but it had given me goosebumps'. She also said she felt uneasy and felt as though we were being watched from the basement area.
Shortly after, we moved into the daughter's bedroom. Rhonda said initially that she had a strange feeling in there when getting a tour of the home. Once we got in there later, that feeling was gone. There was a lot of silence and just.. calmness. So we then finished our hour sitting at the kitchen table, again asking more questions and taking more photos. Nothing. No noises, no feelings.. not even the sound of an old house settling. It was kinda strange in itself!"
Several of us noted that the energy seemed to be there while the family was there, but then took off when they did. It also seems as though something may be following the daughter around, like a guardian angel or spirit guide. With pictures they've taken having orbs around her, but not other people. And her being the one to have seen a "boy". It's very possible. And since she wasn't there that night, the spirits may not have been either.